Hello CSA friends
As we head into our third week of pick ups, we thought it would be a good idea to take a moment to stop and breathe and send you all an update. We had a bit of a wwoofer shortage this spring, but we are grateful that a wonderful crew came together earlier this month to help us do everything we do. Sarah has been with us since January and is much more than a baker, even though that's what she spends most of her time doing these days (have you tried her croissants!?!). Someday she will figure out how to combine farming, baking, water conservation, herbalism and midwifery into some sort of a career, but until then we hope she sticks with us. Tristan, our assistant farm manager, hails from the West Coast with more attention to detail than we've had in all our years of farming. Our cukes have never been so well mulched. Hannah, a student at Vassar, is lots of fun to work with in the kitchen and has been learning the tricks of the veggie burger trade. Her alarming quantity of sneezes has been a talent of hers since a young age and she likes to harvest spinach. Abby and Peter are students at St. John's College in Annapolis and they read a lot of books. Abby has been spending time doing farmers markets, CSA set ups, and French braiding Talula's hair while Peter has become our official tomato love person, spending hours upon hours pruning and trellising. He is also a very good lion in jail for Eden's lion in jail game. Marshall arrived out of the blue and we don't know what we'd do without him. His gentle presence and ability to just sort of do everything that needs doing (baking, tractor work, raspberry wrestling, etc.) is remarkable. Ally got here a few days ago and seems to have adjusted quickly to life in the Levis fast lane. This group of folks works so hard with such a great collective attitude. And they are so darn wholesome. Once again, we have lucked out.
While we are done with most of the early planting frenzy, we are still busy getting things into the ground. Since the fire truck went to a higher bidder, the lack of a water source in our new field is still a big issue for us. So we've been planting a lot at the home farm as well. Besides the usual veggie crops, our latest accomplishment (as of 9 pm last night) is the completion of what we have dubbed "blueberry hill". Approximately two hundred new blueberry plants have joined the ones we have been planting for the last several years towards the back of the meadow here (behind the garlic and to the right—feel free to check it out this week). Much mulching still needs to be done, but we're glad they're in the ground. We've also been planting a lot in the pick your own flower and herb garden. Sarah and I took a vacation from the kitchen yesterday and spent many glorious hours in the sunshine creating a beautiful maze of flowers. They need some time before they can be picked, but the basil is almost ready. Also, there is a healthy stand of lemon balm- perfect for iced tea in this heat.