Hello CSA folks
As I write, the food processor is going full speed. Hannah is preparing for our first FARM NIGHT!!!!! We cook a huge gourmet vegetarian meal from our own produce and serve it buffet style on the terrace of the Wilburton Inn. Tomorrow (Tuesday, July 17th) is our opening night and it's going to be especially fun because we are also hosting a contra dance with the Hubard Hall Tune Jam Band. The cost is $20 per person, $10 for kids, under 5 free. Dinner starts at 7, dancing starts at 8. Full bar service available. Please make reservations at 802-362-2500. We'll be doing Farm Night every Tuesday through September, so don't be devastated if you've already got plans for tomorrow night.
A project that has been close to Oliver's heart lately is haying our new field. Since our flail chopper exploded at the beginning of the season, we had to drag out some ancient haying equipment that we haven't used in years (and that hadn't been used for decades before that). With the help of wise locals (Hamilton Hayes and Gerald Wilcox) and wwoofer sweat, we've got tons of hay baled and ready for mulching at the new field and here at the home farm to make the chickens happier.
Speaking of our new field, we have been really happy with the quantity and quality of the veggies growing there. We've had some of the best broccoli, kohlrabi, and turnip crops we've ever grown and the future veggies look promising. With all the help we've got now, we've even been able to vaguely sort of almost keep up with the weeding.
In our spare time, we've been cranking out VT Goldburgers. This month we are the producers of the month at the Brattleboro Food Coop which made us feel a little bit like rock stars with our photo on the cover of their newsletter and a full article/photo spread, and a radio spot. Oliver and I got an especially warm welcome when we did a demo there last week and the orders have been flying in. Mental note—do more things like this but maybe in the winter!
As the saying goes, all work and no play…. So we managed to fit in some playing last week with a farm field trip to the stunning Hamilton Falls in Windham. We also hosted a couple of circus smirkus kids and we all went to an amazing performance. And we've been spending time watching our newborn kittens (Ramona, the proud mother, will be spayed as soon as possible). We'll be offering kittens for a CSA point in a few weeks. It's me and Oliver's 12 year anniversary today. We've been celebrating grandly so far… I cleaned out the fridge, organized 9 wwoofers, dealt with screaming children and Oliver is running around doing too many things on too little sleep. Maybe we'll do something fun later. Like go to sleep early if we're lucky... we both know that we are infinitely lucky.
Hope to see you at farm night tomorrow!
-Bonnie, Oliver & Crew